Hey ,
A big thank you to all who showed up live for last night’s Nutrition Masterclass! We had a big group and lots of amazing questions, thank you for staying on with me
for TWO HOURS. You guys crushed it 😍
We chatted paleo, fasting, ketogenic diet, macro counting, and of course #moderation365.
And I’m hoping that all of us can continue the journey into learning about ourselves, our unique metabolism, unique food preferences and sensitivities, psychological and lifestyle implications, schedule and more, to create a unique eating strategy FOR OURSELVES so that we never need to jump on a strict diet
bandwagon ever again.
This process begins with you.
It starts with you seeing this eating journey as a learning experience and education in you, rather than slotting yourself into some random meal plan someone on Instagram touts, or a book tells you to follow, or even what your coworker or neighbor is doing, and it seems to be working for them.
Take the ketogenic diet.
keto has been a thing for 100 years, traditionally as a treatment for epilepsy, lately we’re seeing everyone and their mother trying it to lose fat. It’s a super high-fat diet (70% of calories), low carb and moderate protein.
there are some serious questions that, when you begin thinking independently and questioning “the rules,” you see you need to ask:
- Do I even enjoy high-fat foods?
- Can I see myself eating this way forever?
- How long and arduous is the necessary prep?
- Would this be the best approach for my family, too?
- Will I feel deprived because
carbohydrates are off-limits?
- And god forbid, what if I just want to share ice cream with my kids on a weekend?
- Etc.
In my experience, so many of us don’t EVER ask questions about the diets we think will work.
We just try to fit ourselves to the program, instead of
fitting the program to us.
Which as a strategy, based on what we know about willpower and habit change, has a terrible track record! Nutrition overhauls simply don’t work for 99.9% of people.
So, what’s the solution?
The solution is to view our eating as fluid—something you are learning, something that is emerging overtime.
It takes months and years to learn what exact approach
might work for you, and we don’t do that by white-knuckling our way through strict meal plans that some random person who doesn’t know us nearly as well as we know ourselves gives us.
We do it by engaging and
Taking pieces of this and parts of that, and going, I like this, I don’t like that, this works well for me, this over here does not.
You do this through asking questions—just like we did above with the keto diet—and then you keep questioning and learning.
Last night, I went deeper into how to eat for the goal set you want: fat loss, muscle gain, maintenance or performance. And I shared some tactical tools and starting places.
And today I am giving you an opportunity to continue your nutrition journey with me.
Here’s what I’m doing:
Many of you have asked if there’s a nutrition component to #PhysiqueFinishers.
And there is not because it would be a huge disservice (and frankly dangerous) to just give you some random meal plan or food list just so you have something to follow. It would be completely out of my integrity and in my mind, going backwards, making all of us dumber, ha!
So no, there isn’t a meal plan associated with #Physique Finishers. BUT …
what I am doing is providing an opportunity for you to come on a 4-week nutrition journey with me, to continue the conversation from last night and start to uncover the eating approach that will work for you long-term.
going to be hosting live nutrition coaching sessions weekly for 4 weeks.
I’ll be teaching more in-depth and giving you short homework assignments to start revealing the things that will work for you, and what
will not. And then I will be answering your nutrition questions live, giving you detailed feedback and troubleshooting.
Would you like to audit your nutrition with me?
If so, all you need to do is invest in #PhysiqueFinishers by END OF DAY TODAY (Wednesday). You can grab it here.
And then you will get the recording from last night if you don’t have it already, and you will get added to the 4-week nutrition training, with a September start date (details to come). Trainings will be recorded if you can’t make them live, and you
can always send your questions in ahead of time so I can answer them on the call.
If you’ve already purchased #PhysiqueFinishers and would like to join the nutrition training, that’s no problem. Simply forward your receipt to me info@jillfit.com and we’ll put you on the list.
This is a unique bonus that only
those who purchase today (Wednesday, and prior) are going to get access to, totally free.
I hope that you’re as pumped to audit your nutrition as I am to help you do it!
Grab #PhysiqueFinishers here, today, and get your nutrition coaching too.
Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll see you on the live calls!