Hi !
I spent this past weekend in Boston hosting the annual JillFit
Business Retreat, with 100 health and wellness professionals working to grow their online businesses.
The energy at the event was electric! The participants showed up open, willing, courageous
and ready to learn and connect. It was easily in the top 10 moments of my entrepreneurial career.
I was thinking about why this event was different.
For me, I think it was because I had the opportunity to showcase the knowledge and expertise of those in my year-long elite business mastermind.
Eight of my mastermind members facilitated roundtable discussions on topics in which they’re experts—things like Pinterest for business, SEO, sales, podcasting, hosting live events, course creation, authentic messaging, email marketing and
It was a win-win—the participants got access and insight into topics that can help them grow their businesses, and I got to honor and celebrate the hard work these mastermind
members have been doing all year long, by showcasing their expertise in a large room.
See, some of the biggest obstacles for those who are trying to do something different or bigger are in the
realm of confidence and self-doubt:
“I know I have more in me, but I don’t feel confident enough.”
“I always doubt myself.”
“I’ve failed in the past, I don’t know why this time would be any different.”
And here’s the
Confidence is the result of action, not the cause of it.
Meaning, you don’t wait to feel confident in order to do the thing. You build your confidence as you do the thing.
Aaaaand, here’s the caveat: sometimes you need someone else to lend you their confidence in you FIRST before you can really believe it.
This is a kind of confidence-on-loan.
Sometimes we need someone else to tell us, “I know you’ve got this.” Or, “You have what it takes,” or “You’re right where you need to be,” or “I’ve been there and from my perspective, you’re well on your way.”
When I was 24 years old and wanted to change my body, get to the leanest I’d ever been and get up on stage to compete in a figure competition, it was my ex-husband Jade Teta who told me, “You can do anything you want, you are so powerful, let’s do this, I got you.” And I did it.
After I started JillFit, it was my first business coach who told me, “You’ve got this. You are doing it. You can create anything you want.” And I did.
And she even gave me a raise after I told her the hourly rate I was charging at the time, lol. She said, “Okay great, now you’re going to double it. Good job, you just got a raise.”
Sometimes we need the confidence of someone else’s vision of what we can do, in order to start in on the journey.
And then yes, over time, we start to believe it too, and become our own hype men.
But in my
experience, without that first person who really believes in us, it’s almost impossible to feel confidence from out of nowhere.
Have you experienced this?
Maybe you had a personal trainer who really made you feel like you could be successful.
Maybe you had a coach who truly made you feel seen and like you could achieve more.
Maybe you had a partner or friend instill their confidence in you to the point that you actaully started believing it.
Who is that person for you?
And … maybe you haven’t had that person in your life yet.
I was lucky enough to get a taste with Jade (who was also 8 years older than me and who’d had more experience than me at the time).
And then I was lucky enough to be able to actually pay for my business coach to lend me her confidence years later.
This is why I am currently part of two high-level business masterminds. And I will always invest to access people who have more insight, more experience and more expertise than I do …
… because I know the power of being around people doing bigger things. The confidence and competency is contagious.
I loved getting to see my Mastermind members owning their expertise and teaching like bosses. Because they are.
And being a
part of that kind of journey—on all sides—is what makes me come alive as a coach.
With that said …
Applications for my 2019 Business Mastermind are now open.
If you think you have something bigger to create, that you want to help more people and grow your online platform to make a huge impact in the next 12 months, this is for you.
You can apply here.
I’m looking for unicorns, though.
As a mastermind, we are only as good as our weakest link, so please
only apply if you are serious about being a key part of a small group of professionals (20-30 total) who will be dedicating the next 12 months to accelerated growth, connection and outcomes.
Let me know if you have any questions.
And if you don’t currently have that coach, teacher, friend or mentor who can lend you their confidence in you, I’d
be honored to be that for you.