5 Things I Learned from My Mentor

Published: Tue, 12/13/11

Hey !
In my "7 Ways to Implement Balance both Physically and Mentally," I mentioned the importance of seeking out people who are doing what you are doing, only better, and get inside their head.

Last week, I had a 30-minute coaching call with a mentor of mine about building my business and in general how to make a bigger impact. It was a fabulous call (that I paid dearly to have :)) and it was worth every penny. 

And , as part of the JillFit Physiques family, I wanted to pass on to you what I learned!  Here are 5 key insights from the call:

1) You are already on the right track. One of the best parts of the call was the affirmation that I am already doing a lot of the right stuff. For you and your physique goals, the fact that you are already part of JillFit shows that you have initiative and more importantly the desire to achieve more. Good for you! Affirmation serves as positive motivation for us to keep at it--knowing that we are on the right path gives us the ammunition to keep going.

2) ...But, you don't know what you don't know :) Getting inside the head of someone who has "been there, done that" was such a gift, because I know she has perspective that I simply don't have yet. Like Jade always says, "you don't know what you don't know" which is undeniably true when it comes to growth in whatever realm. We can all look back on our younger years and see the errors of our ways--we have learned from them, moved on and are better because of it. But what is in store for the future? It's hard to know, but so long as we continue to challenge ourselves and remain open to possibilities, moving forward is inevitable.

3) Get social media-savvy. Don't underestimate the power of getting involved in the virtual conversation. And because Twitter is a smaller venue than Facebook, the possibility of accessing more hard-to-reach contacts is more real. The "fitness family" on Twitter is smaller, so if you are not on, get on! And let's follow: http://twitter.com/Jillfit  :)

4) Evaluate where you want to be in 5, 10, 20 years. This was a key reminder for me, and even though I know it is important to "keep an eye on the prize," this insight can easily get lost in the day-to-day grind. Having this in mind means reminding myself to say "no" to doing things that are not part of my personal vision, while putting in additional effort in the few key things I want to achieve.

5) Put your money where your mouth is. It is hard to really and fully commit to something with no skin in the game. Financial commitment--whether it is registering for a competition now or signing up for personal training sessions or scheduling a date to take a personal trainer certification exam--keeps us on track. Accountability and follow-up is difficult to motivate to when we have nothing to lose. Like I did, think about ways to invest in your future, whether in your physique journey, business coaching or personal development. And stop putting things off until tomorrow. You need to start somewhere, and there is no better time to begin than right this second:

" 'Someday' is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you." 

   --Tim Ferriss/The 4-Hour Workweek