3 SIMPLE Ways to Boost Your Fat Loss

Published: Sun, 04/22/12

Hi !
I hope you had a great weekend, and are prepping your clean eats for the upcoming week! 
The other day, I was talking to a client of mine who was explaining how overwhelmed she felt with the tremendous amount of information on nutrition & exercise out there. She felt bombarded by the amount of "do's" and "don'ts" and couldn't figure out a way to make it all work. 
Well, to break things down to its simplest parts, I told her to think about the 3 things below (and to just ignore everything else...for now, at least :)). Yes, things can get technical and nuanced, but for the majority of people, implementing a couple of KEY behaviors consistently will go a long way:
1) Eat protein with each meal. Whatever protein you like: chicken, fish, eggs/whites, protein powder, lean beef, lean pork, turkey, Greek yogurt, etc. Protein keeps you fuller for longer and helps boost metabolism and maintains muscle.
2) Do some type of activity everyday. Never let a day go by where you don't at least get some movement, even if it is a leisure walk or a short stretching session (or as I have been doing lately, standing at my desk!). Sure, fitting in intense cardio and heavy weight training are important, but we need low intensity days too. Whether it's for your physique or your mental health, moving everyday is beneficial. 
3) Watch bites of starch. Gone are the days of eating carbs to our heart's desire. Sad, but true. But also effective. Metabolic Effect uses 'The Bite Rule,' and it works very well. Give yourself 5-10 bites of starch at each meal. This includes things like oats, rice, potato, cereal, bread, etc. For sweets, 1 bite a day (e.g. 1 Hersey Kiss or a bite of a dessert). Moderation works in the long run. Too much deprivation leads to too much binging later!
That's it. If you can implement those 3 things CONSISTENTLY, you will see changes that will last. Make things simpler, not more confusing :)
Want to work with me directly for training & nutrition? My 4 Week Fat Loss Jump Start program with Metabolic Effect starts May 7th! All the details and registration info can be found here, AND all JillFit peeps get a 10% discount if you use the promo code JILLFIT (all caps) at check-out. Spots are limited so be sure to sign up soon! 
Looking forward to working with you! :)