the power of "The One Thing"

Published: Tue, 10/16/12

Hi ,
Lately I've been thinking about this whole idea of "dieting" and having to undergo a complete lifestyle OVERHAUL in order to make changes to our physique. 
We love the idea of a complete overhaul, a "makeover" or a fresh start, don't we? :) Unfortunately, most times they don't work for long term success.

Why? Because long-term success is built on HABITS. And when we overhaul our entire lifestyle with all new actions all at once (e.g. going to the gym 6 days/week, giving up all sugar, bed by 9pm, etc), we end up failing at all of them because we've not giving them time to become habits. So how can we make changes successfully?
By using the power of "The One Thing." 

Here's how to use it:

1) Write down a list of 5-6 new actions that you want to take and implement long-term
2) Choose only ONE of them to begin with (the one that can make the most impact)
3) Focus on that one thing for the next 4 weeks. And do your best with the rest, but don't stress if the rest is not perfect. 
I want you to focus on a SINGLE new action ONLY. The more we pile on, the less chance of success we have at successful implementation. Focus your effort on perfecting the one new action so that by the end of 4 weeks, it's easier, it's a regular part of your day--it's a HABIT. 
Then move on to the next item on your action list. Think you can do it?
Respond back to me right now and let me know what your ONE THING is going to be!

Looking forward to hearing from you :)
ox Jill