let's get specific :)

Published: Fri, 10/19/12

Hey there ,
It's been a few days since I asked to choose The One Thing you were going to work on for the next 4 weeks. I received close to 500 responses back from motivated peeps with their to-dos (I hope you sent me yours! If not, send it now :))!!
What I noticed about a lot of the responses was that they were too broad. Things like, "Eat clean!" or "Stop eating chips after dinner!!" and "Get to bed earlier!"
Of course, all great One Things, but I need for all of us to go DEEPER with this one. In order to make a change and stick with it, we have to get specific. The reason for this is because when we are too general with our habit change, we don't provide ourselves with the exact STEPS for how to MAKE the change. So we need to fill in the gaps and get more details on board...
For example, here's how I would change the above habits:
  • Eat clean---> "Eat lean protein, veggies and/or fruit 4x/day, 15 bites carb/day, 1 cheat meal/week, 2 glasses alcohol/week max."
  • Stop eating chips after dinner---> "After dinner, I will eat 1 cup of frozen berries, boil water for tea immediately and then brush teeth and get in bed by 9pm for reading. Lights out at 10pm."
  • Go to bed earlier---> "Make sure I begin getting ready for bed by 9pm so that I am in bed by 9:30pm, read for 30 minutes, lights out at 10pm."
Better, no? 
So you next assignment is to break down your goal into a couple of quick steps like I did above. Get specific. If you are getting rid of something, what will you REPLACE it with? If you are doing more of something, how much more? How will you track it? etc.

Go deep! And report back to me in 4 weeks with your results and progress. Let's do this!
ox Jill