getting your mind right

Published: Tue, 09/11/12

hey there ,
As you probably know, at JillFit, we believe "the outside starts on the inside"--meaning unless we are in a good place with our attitude and mindset, that attainment and maintenance of a bangin' lean physique is impossible.
The more we blog about this mindset shift, the more questions I get asked about where to start.
The blogs are great, but how do you go about changing your mindset in a systematic way so that you can see actual RESULTS? Remember, the emotional stuff precedes the physical stuff--a great attitude is your greatest weapon in achieving a great physique, bottom line.
I put a lot of thought into how to do this, and I came up with a way for us to communicate daily to keep it in the forefront of our minds--a 10-Week Mindset Makeover, which will begin this Monday Sept 17th. 
The 10-Week Mindset Makeover is a brand new JillFit program with lots of awesome daily content for you, delivered right to your inbox directly from me. Details are here
I'd love for you to join me! Registration is open now through Saturday September 15th. 
Feel free to respond with questions if you have them :) I'd love to hear from you...and of course, it's a treat when you share your story with me.
Have a great week! ox