do your best, because that's all you can do

Published: Tue, 10/23/12

Hi ,
I hope you are well on your way towards a successful implementation of your One Thing. THREE more weeks to go! And remember, if you have back tracked, don't sweat it, just start back up wherever you are. This is an on-going PRACTICE, not something you do perfectly or not at all :) 
I am writing today because there's a message that I believe strongly about, and I don't know that fitness and health people are talking about it. And it is this: JUST DO YOUR BEST.
I know it's simple and it's not sexy or hardcore, but it is the only thing that works in the long run: 
  • At your very next meal, make the best decision possible; do your best
  • For your next workout, get to the gym and work hard; do your best
  • Time for bed, get in as soon as you can; do your best
  • At a party, dinner or event, do your best with that you have available to you
I believe that it's time we stopped the all-or-nothing stuff and started doing what works, which is, taking a more moderate approach. Do your best. Why? Because that's all you can do anyway. And your best from day to day will change. Only YOU can know if you are doing the best you can. Don't let someone else tell you can do better. You're doing the best you can under the circumstances. Aren't you? Check in with yourself. Be gentle. Then get better.
Something funny happens when you begin making this attitude switch. Healthy choices become EASIER to make because you don't see decisions are make-or-break anymore. You just see it as doing your best with what you have at your disposal. The all-or-nothing mentality begins to fade away naturally.
Want to see how I do my best? I was traveling for the last 2 weeks, and I filmed a quick vid for you guys about how I handled being on the road. 
Click on the video below to see how I handled being away from my gym and my kitchen for 2 weeks: 

Hope you have a great week! And remember...DO YOUR BEST.
ox Jill