booty month at JillFit :)

Published: Tue, 11/27/12

Hey ,
Don't you love new challenges!!? I do!
Last month, I asked you to focus on THE ONE THING you would practice to improve when it comes to your healthy habits. Besides, the fastest way to failure is to do too much all at once. I received great feedback and many of you, though not perfect, have definitely made great progress.
THIS MONTH is BOOTY MONTH at JillFit :) The JillFit Lifestylers crew are doing an in-depth booty lift & build program as part of their weekly video workouts and daily nutrition plan, and I'd like to invite you to join in the fun!
You don't have to do anything in order to participate, just follow this suggested workout schedule for the next 4 weeks:
Day 1: Do Booty Workout #1 (attached to this email), you need a set of dumbbells
Day 2: Hill Sprints - find a hill (10-20% grade) and sprint up it for 20s, walk down & repeat 8 times total
Day 3: Upper body workout on your own
Day 4: Do Booty Workout #1 again
Day 5: Hill Sprints (same as day 2)
Day 6: Incline walk - 30-45 minutes at 15% incline, 3.0 speed
Day 7: Leisure walk or day off
In terms of nutrition, check out today's blog for guidance on how to manipulate your carbs to build lean muscle in the glutes, without putting on fat.
That's it! I hope you'll participate for the next 4 weeks--and as always, keep me in the loop and let me know how you do!
OX, Jill