gifts for the new year: mindset + nutrition

Published: Tue, 01/01/13

Happy New Year !
I always ask new subscribers what they struggle with the most when it comes to fat loss and body change. Want to know what they say?
80% of respondents say NUTRITION. The other 20% say MINDSET.
Are you surprised? Probably not. Those are 2 biggies that are actually more related than you think. When we're in the right frame of mind, the doing of the nutrition becomes easier, yes?
So, as promised on Jan 1st, I have attached 2 fat loss prezzies for you to use this year:
  • The JillFit One-Page Mindset Worksheet
  • My Big-Ass-Salad (B-A-S) Booklet
Last January, I put out a very loooooong, detailed goal setting worksheet. It was thorough, but a little too involved to be useful long-term. So this year, I want you to print out the One-Page Mindset Worksheet and allow yourself 10-20 minutes to complete it. Then I want you to post it where you can see it every day to remind yourself of the NEW MINDSET YOU CHOOSE in 2013.
And then, well, following tight nutrition becomes a whole lot easier when the food is yummy, hence my B-A-S Booklet :) Enjoy!
If you haven't sent me your #OneWord for 2013, send it to me! It's going to serve as your talisman for when things get rocky in 2013. You can pull out your word to remind you of your goals and stay on track to success. Mine? #Elevate (it's not official until it's #hashtagged!)
Ox, Jill