top 5 tips for quitting the crash dieting cycle FOR GOOD

Published: Mon, 05/27/13

Hey there !
As part of the JillFit fam, I wanted to send you a quick message to let you know I am going to be hosting a FREE, live webinar THIS TUESDAY (tomorrow!) at 9pm EST on a topic that is very close to my heart: My Top 5 Tips for Quitting the Crash Dieting Cycle for Good.

Go here to sign up:

As you may know from the JillFit blogs, I've struggled with up-and-down, yo-yo dieting in the past, and it's only been in the last couple years that I've been able to yank myself out of that cycle. In this webinar, I'll be sharing the key tactics I used personally, and the ones we've used to help hundreds of other women struggling with the same thing. 
This can be a debilitating cycle, where week after week we feel like we throw out all our hard work by going overboard on the weekend with eating, only to find ourselves disgusted, remorseful and guilty on Sunday, when we vow to "try harder" and "do better" the next week, only to do it again the next week. 
If you think you're alone in this experience, you are most certainly not! I get emails almost daily from women struggling with this. So I hope you'll check out the webinar, I'll be taking questions at the end so bring those if you have them. 
Unfortunately, I will not be recording the webinar so if you want the info, you gotta be there live! I will try to mix up dates and times in the future so if you can't make this one, you have other opportunities. 
Hope you have a great day, and I'll "see you" tomorrow night :)