the return of ass-kicking weight training (+ new delt workout)

Published: Mon, 09/02/13

Hi ,

Last month, I wrote to tell you about how I was taking it easy this summer and wanted to de-stress and stay consistent on my leisure walking and focus on nutrition. 
It's been an amazing summer of R&R.
And like I wrote in one of my latest blogs, my weight has stayed the same from last summer to this (progress pics included), with minimal exercise effort on my part, just keeping nutrition 90% tight 100% of the time--not obsessing, but also not eating everything I want too. It's a balance and when you start practicing a more moderate approach, it gets easier. Like Jade says, "Easy is earned," and you have to start somewhere.
So back to the present.

The down-time has been really beneficial, especially for mymindset. Last Spring, I had been losing motivation with weight training (been going strong since I was 16!), and it was getting monotonous and I was kind of dreading it. Ever happen to you?? :)

But in recent weeks, my desire to lift heavy and hard has resurfaced as a result of two insights:

1) I gave myself permission to lay low this summer and simply do my best. Some weeks, I didn't train at all, just walked and ate well. Other weeks, I did my best and clocked a couple 10-20 minute sessions--just enough to maintain my muscle. I think the R&R allowed me the space and time to actually crave heavy weight workouts again, and for the last 2 weeks, I've been consistent on 4-5 days of lifting a week, and actually looking forward to it.

2)  I gave myself permission to not have to kill myself every session. In the past, I'd always feel like I needed to move from exercise to exercise as fast as possible, get as metabolic as possible and basically kill myself. No wonder I dreaded it! In the last couple weeks, I've let go of the need to "get in and get out" and I've allowed myself to move slower and actually enjoy the workout, rather than feeling like I have to bust through everything. This speaks to helping me find joy in it, not simply go through the motions out of guilt or fear of getting fat/losing muscle.

I even have time to take selfies :) Lol. Post-shoulder workout a couple weeks ago:

It feels nice to lift heavy and hard again, but now, I am doing it without obligation. And it's a lot more fun.

SO! For you: I have attached my most recent shoulder-training workout to this email for you. Try it and let me know how you do. I hope you find your inner ass-kicker too!

Ox, Jill 

P.S. And if you haven't completed my 4 Weeks to Toned Upper Body Program, check it out. Lots more workouts just like this one. Here's to getting our lift on! #swollemates