is it possible to eat pepperonis, drink wine and stay slim?? :)

Published: Sat, 11/02/13

Hi ,

Hope you had a fabu week :) 
I write a lot about implementing balance with our eating, and many of you resonate with that. But I think for some, there exists a small sliver of doubt when we hear words like "moderation" and "concessions" and "treats." 
We don't like these words. 
They're kiiiiiiind of not hardcore enough. They're a little wimpy. And they don't really get results, do they? "I mean, c'mon Jill, I can eat cheese and stay lean, seriously??"
Ha ha. Well, I get that. And I poo-poo'ed the idea of moderation for a long time. I thought it was for Grandma and for those who had no willpower or who weren't tough enough to hack the hard stuff. And agreeably, that's actually not untrue ... except for the fact that hardcore-ness and discipline eventually give out, and when they do, most of us end up bingeing like crazy. 
So in this way, throwing ourselves a few nutritional bones ahead of time might actually make us more compliant in the long run, which (surprise!) does lead to overall sustainable leanness. Go figure! :)
I blogged about this exact thing yesterday. Check it out - Controlled Cheating: 6 Strategies for Intelligent IndulgenceI break down the six tactics I use to feel less deprived overall and because of that, am less likely to binge. See why I believe strategic nutritional concessions can actually boost long-term compliance.
HOWEVER ... this is where Skeptical Sally comes in. It's all fine and well to indulge in small cheats here and there, but does that really get results???
I took the shot below (unfiltered) this week, the morning after dining out on the following meal: venison medallions, asparagus cooked in butter and 2 glasses of wine (I posted it on Ig). No bread, no dessert, no extra starch. But yes, red meat, butter and vino. Is it competition-clean? No. But will it make me feel satisfied and satiated to the point that I don't need anything else? Absolutely. 

Everyone will be different, obviously. And it took me close to THREE YEARS to master the moderate approach. But honestly, I hardly think about food anymore. I eat to feel satisfied. No stress. I don't obsess about my next meal or get anxious if I don't have my Tupperwares. I TRUST that I can make the best choice possible wherever I end up, even if, yes, it is veggies dowsed in butter :)
I'd love to hear where you're at with this stuff. Are you still caught up in the "all-or-nothing" crash dieting approach, where you are EITHER on a strict diet OR you are eating everything in sight? 
I'm not judging ... I did that for years. But mastering moderation takes a leap of faith, a willingness to try a new way and then struggle your way through it. It's rewarding and liberating and awesome. But it starts with YOU letting go of the illusion of control you think you have over your eating. Deprive-then-binge is not a fun way to live. It's obsessive and controlling and a nutritional prison (not to mention an emotional one).
So what do you say? Gonna take steps toward the middle? Hit respond and send me a sentence or two on your own process! And have a great week :)
Ox, Jill