food FOMO?

Published: Wed, 11/20/13

Hey there ,

I remember being in college and enjoying, ahem, quite a few "adult beverages"--a.k.a. getting drunk every weekend with my girlfriends. It's not a time in my life that I'm particularly proud of, but what are you gonna do? That's college and the learning I did outside of the classroom was just as valuable as what I learned in it (sorry, Mom).
Admittedly, I was much more extroverted in my early 20s and growing up in a big Irish family sort of honed my social proficiency. So when I went out to parties or hit the bars, I remember being adamant about staying to the bitter end, until last call, or until the last person left the party. Because I just knew, knew ... that something AMAZING was going to happen between midnight and 3 A.M.! And if I didn't stay until the very last minute of the party, well, I might miss it! 
This "fear of missing out" is obviously called FOMO, and is most notable in social situations, but I think culturally, we are conditioned for food FOMO too.
In fact, I wrote last week about my personal struggles with food anxiety and feeling"left out" of amazing food experiences because I was either training for a competition or a photo shoot, or simply because I was trying to be good on my diet. I sulked and complained and felt like everyone was having "fun with food" except me. Waaaaaaah!
Often, when we diet, it can feel like we are missing out on amazing, once-in-a-lifetime food opportunities. 
But I would argue that when we give in to those perceived missed opportunities and indulge in that amazing never-will-I-get-to-eat-this-again treat, we are always more let down than exhilarated. 
Aren't we? 
It's much like staying until the final minutes of a party or until last call. Because really? Let's be honest. Nothing notable EVER happens during those final hours at the bar. And the amazing food indulgence that we feel like we're seemingly "missing out on" honestly, is never everything we think it's going to be.
If you missed last week's blog, it's right here: Do You Have FOMO Around Food? Check it out and let me know what you think.
I'm currently writing a follow-up post all about food anxiety and how we can navigate temptation so that we can still attain that "hit" we do when we eat sweets and treats, but without the negative consequences. Look for it later this week.
I hope you're having a great week, and until next time! 

Ox, Jill 


P.S. The JillFit Holiday Recipe Booklet is back on the virtual shelf for this holiday season! Check it here :)