repeat after me: I WILL NOT HAVE FOOD FOMO :)

Published: Thu, 11/28/13

Hey ,

If you're like me, you're half excited about the holidays and half stressed the hell out because ... FOOD EVERYWHERE. We looooooove it. But we hate it too. 

Don't we?

In past holiday seasons, I've practiced both ends of the fat loss spectrum: sticking to my "contest diet" while white-knuckling my way through family dinners and holiday parties, shooting people the evil eye for being able to "have fun with food" while I was trying to be good. *Cue up victim mindset here*

And of course, I've practiced the eat-anything-and-everything-in-sight season too. Because ... food FOMO! "When will I be able to eat this YULE LOG again???! Not until NEXT YEAR!" Of course, unless I just decided to up and make one in April :) And eggnog?? Please! It's the best! And I'll just needed to drink it all because ... well, it's fun, and it's the holidays and you don't just skip eggnog!

Or do you? :)

How about this instead ... moderation. Taste everything, devour nothing. Be discerning, have something I really want and actually start thinking consciously about what goes into my mouth, but also don't completely deprive myself either. THIS has been my practice the past few years.

And you know what else has been my practice? 
  • "Dessert defense" - Baking a sweet that's a little cleaner and then bringing it to a party or event so that I know I'll have at least one thing to enjoy.
  • Getting in short, intense workouts even if I have to do them in my living room in my PJs. I want to make sure that any indulgence I have goes preferentially toward muscle building and not fat storage.
  • Follow up big meals by getting right back on track, especially with lots of water and plenty of veggies. These things actually help me SHED water.
These are my tools: an approach to eating that doesn't make me feel deprived, but also keeps the inches off me; short, intense workouts; baking and cooking items I know I can eat and still enjoy and finally, getting my "de-bloat" on after indulging.
These are not hard. But they do take know-how and practice. 
Lucky for you, I've put all my tools in one place for you. I teamed up with Jen Sinkler, of Thrive with Jen Sinkler who is an insane trainer, not to mention super-smart and funny to create The 4-Week Holiday Head Start with all the tools you'll need to stay slim and sane this holiday season (it's only available today and tomorrow though!).
See what you get (ahem, errrything)===> 4-Week Holiday Head Start with Jen & Jill
THIS PROGRAM IS ONLY OPEN FOR THE NEXT 48 HOURS! Through midnight on Friday November, 29th.
Let me know if you have any questions!

And let's do this, so we can stop being stressed about food and start feeling in control of what goes in our mouths and how our physiques will look come Jan 1st! You in? :)

Ox, Jill