5 lessons I learned from my mentor (+ deadline tonight for Best of You Coaching)

Published: Wed, 12/11/13

Hi ,

I hired my first business coach in 2011. And it was scary. Sooooo scary. I was nervous about spending the money and what if I didn't get results? What if it didn't work? What if I ended up broke and even worse off after? Besides, the $10,000 investment (!) was not chump change by a long shot.


But, the reality was that I was at a major crossroads in both my business and personal life. I felt like I was not reaching my potential, caught up in the daily grind, never getting a leg up and running around like a chicken with my head cut off 24/7. The thought that I'd still be doing the grind 10 years later terrified me.

And truth was, I needed the guidance. I needed the accountability. I needed someone to give me the steps, the shortcuts. I needed someone who'd been in my shoes and who was now doing what I wanted to be doing, living the life I wanted. Autonomy. Creating products and programs that made a difference. Helped people. Living out my passion unapologetically. Being able to work on my time and create something bigger than myself.

I found that person, and spending 10k (though terrifying) to get her guidance for an entire year was worth 10x the amount of the initial investment. So, I'd like to share with you five of the invaluable lessons I learned from her, below. 

Since then, I've spent thousands more on education, coaching, conferences and mentorship. And it's always paid off. But taking that first leap was by far the hardest.
5 Lessons I Learned from My Mentor:
1)  Take action. Take massive action.
The bottom line is that you will never feel 100% ready. You will never have every duck lined up in the row. You will never not have some doubts. And you will certainly have no guarantees of what will happen. And so the choice that remains is to EITHER stay scared and small, OR take action and adjust along the way. We can never know exactly what's going to happen, and chances are that you'll mess up. But when you have the attitude that not only do I trust MYSELF to handle anything that comes up, but I actually look forward to my struggles because they allow me to grow, get better and attain greater success, then how can you not take action. Just jump and figure it out along the way. Self-trust beats self-doubt any day.
2) Your mindset drives everything (abundance versus lack).
This was huge for me. As a former full-time trainer and group fitness instructor, I was constantly running around, chasing money, doing "the fitness hustle" and leaving no time for myself or the things I wanted to accomplish for my future. I was in a lack mindset: "I need to just take on more clients and let them pay me whatever because I just need the money!" My mentor taught me to value my time and expertise to the point that I could trust in my services. She taught me an abundance mindset. When we believe that there's enough happiness, success and money out there, we have no trouble manifesting exactly that. Mindset is practiced, it doesn't happen overnight. But it's worth pouring your time into mastering a success mindset because when you do, it drives all decisions. Choices are effortless because you always default to the ones that will bring you long-term success and personal fulfillment.
3) You only need to be one step ahead of the people you're helping.
The impact of this statement was enormous for me. I was always scared I "wasn't lean enough" or "in show shape" and what if I'm speaking at a conference and someone calls me fat or challenges me on "the science?" Many of my career decisions before 2011 were driven by self-doubt and fear. I thought I needed more certifications, more education, more knowledge. I never trusted in my expertise, experience and ability to get results, even though I had been in the fitness industry for 10+ years. But the key is this: don't you, at some point, have enough credentials?? At some point, don't you have to say, "I have something to contribute. I can make an impact in people's lives." Because everyone has something to teach. So go do that.
4) Practice high personal value.
In all aspects of your life. Practicing high personal value means valuing yourself--your time, your expertise, your clout, your experience, your ability to make a difference, your relationships and what you deserve in life. And if you're waiting for affirmation from others, you're going to be waiting a looooong time. Because only you can assume your own success. No one is going to tell you you're an expert. You have to just say it. And own it. And then act like you have something to contribute. Like Jade says, "You're no one until you decide you're someone." And it's only a single choice away :)
5) Surround yourself with like-minded people and also people who support you and force you to strive. 
When I looked for a mentor, I wanted to find someone who I could relate to, but that was doing what I wanted to be doing, but doing it way better. Jim Rohn says you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I believe this. So take a look at your support team. Do people "get" you? Or do they constantly tell you, "That'll never work, you can't do that." Or do they support you in whatever your dreams are? Are they 'yes' people, or Negative Nancys? This point in particular is the beauty of a coaching group and having an mentor. Surrounding yourself with 'hell yes!' people. Those who not only think you can do it, but believe you will and deserve to.

Okay ladies. This is it.
Today is the final day to apply for my 2014 Best of You Coaching Club Mentorship. All applications are due by tonight at midnight. I will be choosing 13 women to work with up-close-and-personal in the realms of mindset, body and business in this elite 11-month mentorship.
==========> All the details are here
Click on the link above to find out if it's for you (or if it's not) and how to apply. Begins January 15th. 
I'll be sending out acceptances by next Wednesday December 18th.
Remember, tonight is the deadline for all applications. Once again, all the details are here.
Let me know if you have any questions, as always :)
Much love,