how it feels to regain the weight you've lost

Published: Fri, 12/13/13

Hey ,

Wow. This week's JillFit blog post on weight regain got a huge reception. It outlines the inner dialogue of the guilt, the shame and the embarrassment I experienced upon gaining back weight after competition and how dangerous it can be to pin your self-worth on your physique.
Over 100 women left comments recounting their own struggles with weight regain and the painful inner turmoil that accompanies it.
Bottom line: it sucks. It feels lonely, scary, disempowering and leaves us feeling like a failure. Ugh.
Have you read it yet? 
If not, take a look.
I'd love to know your thoughts. I'll be posting the Part 2 (solutions) blog next week. 
Remember, if we want a different outcome, we need take a different action. The same logic applies to fat loss. We can't hope for a quick fix and then expect that we'll be able to sustain it. Fat regain occurs because of quick fixes, impatient protocols and crash diets. All of which I employed for a very long time, to my ultimate detriment. AND, in all of that time I never felt lean enough, worthy enough or good enough.
My tune is different now. 
And I'm going to share my tactics for finding balance in next week's blog, but in the meantime, have a read of this week's post and leave a message on the JillFit Facebook page with your own experience. I'd love to hear it.
That's all! Have a great weekend, and don't forget how amazing you are right now. No qualifications.
Much love.
Ox, Jill