what's your anchor word for 2014? (+ 2013 recap)

Published: Sat, 12/28/13

Hey ,

I may be alone in this, but I actually like the END of the year better than the beginning of the year. Mostly because I'm a deeply introspective person--almost the point of over-analysis--when it comes to learning. And what better time to reflect than the end of the year?
I'll never forget something my mom said about Jade and I when we first started dating. She said, "You guys are so intense." And at the time I didn't understand what she meant, but now I get it. We both think deeply about things. Not that most people don't, but what we do for a living is also what we live, eat, breathe and talk about almost nonstop. So yes, it can be fairly intense for people who aren't used to it.
It's passion. And I'd never trade it.
BUT. But by nature, at times, it also bites me in the ass. For example, I am not very good at doing many normal-person things like cooking, cleaning, reaching out to friends and family, returning emails, sending gifts (on time or even at all), running errands, getting my oil changed regularly, etc. I am a huge procrastinator and I often take action on things before I even know if they will work or not. I jump with no parachute and then adjust after I mess up! Ha!
In short, I cut corners to focus my energy where my passion lies. I take action on things I'm excited about, and in exchange I can often neglect other people and things as a result. And I'm not proud of that. But, the good thing is that I can always improve. I can always get better as a result of introspection and action.
Why am I telling you this? 
Because the end of every year brings a new opportunity for reflection, insight, learning and growing. If we can identify the ways in which we succeeded as well as the ways we struggled in 2013, then we can do better in 2014.
I love that. I love celebrating my successes, but what I love even more is identifying my screw-ups. Because it's through my struggles and missteps that I can improve and get better--as a business owner, a friend, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a human. Failure is feedback!
Can you identify the good, the bad and the ugly for your 2013? Can you change one thing as a result? What can you improve for 2014?
My anchor word...
Last year this time, I was thinking about what my anchor for 2013 would be. By 'anchor' I mean, my ONE WORD that I would use throughout the year to remind me of my passion, my purpose and what I wanted to accomplish. When things started sucking, or I was struggling in any capacity, I could bring my anchor to mind and remind myself of my greater goal. It wasn't always an instantaneous turnaround, but it helped put things in perspective and helped me focus on what really mattered in those moments of despair.
In 2013, my word was 'elevate.' And I hashtagged the hell out of it :) #elevate
I strived to elevate in all ways. My own potential as a person, my clients and customers. I wanted to bring more value and more experience and more insight to everything I created. I wanted to elevate my personal development game, my physique game, my business game. And I wanted to help others do the same.
I hope I've succeeded even a little bit in that. I think I did.
As for 2014, I've been thinking about my anchor for days now. What do I want to create in 2014? What value, service and message do I want to reinforce to myself and put out into the world? 
I finally found my word. It's 'thrill.'
I want to be thrilled. I want to CREATE thrill in my own life. I want to be thrilled by the everyday things. And ... I want to thrill others. I want to create thrilling opportunities and experiences for others. I want to help people be thrilled by their own experiences and insights. 
Because life is amazing; we just have to see it as such. There are a limitless number of ways to live a deeper, richer, more fulfilling life. 
The first way I intend to thrill the hell out of myself and provide a new, exciting and educational experience for a small group of women is through hosting The Radiance Retreat this January. Myself, along with Neghar Fonooni of Eat, Lift and Be Happy and Jen Sinkler of Thrive with Jen Sinkler are together co-hosting this life-changing, thrilling weekend in Los Angeles, January 17th-19th, 2014. 
The Radiance Retreat is for women only--and encompasses seminars and workshops on nutrition, various kinds of workouts (taught by Jen, Neghar and myself), female fat loss insights, mindset development, happiness, body acceptance and a whole lot of laughs! (And even some business for the fit pros in attendance (optional)). 
We have less than 10 spots left for this intimate experience. And the EARLY BIRD RATE is good through December 31st only! 

Honestly, this experience is so unique, we guarantee it'll be life changing. I hope to see you there :)
======> All the details for The Radiance Retreat are right here.
Looking forward to spending some up-close-and-personal time with you! Let me know if you have any questions.
Ox, Jill

PS. In the meantime, I'd love for you to think on your anchor word for 2014 and post it on the JillFit Facebook page! Let's all keep each other accountable! :)