one thing everybody needs ...

Published: Tue, 03/18/14

... is someone who challenges them.

Whether it's a partner who unknowingly pushes your buttons to help you build emotional resilience, or a bully colleague who helps you grow a thicker skin and get more confident, or a friend who challenges you to try new things and pushes you to have new experiences.

Jade has been this for me for many years--a teacher, confidante, button-pusher and never-ending support system. He's the quintessential "possibility thinker" and infuses a sense of potential in everyone he meets.

And in 2013, Jen Sinkler, fellow fitness pro and owner of Thrive with Jen Sinkler claimed the top spot as the person is my life who challenges me to get out of my comfort zone. 

Jen is what I consider an experience-seeker. She's competitive, adoringly stubborn, crazy smart, undeniably loyal and above all, seeks out new challenges and ways to make life more fun.

My life has been so much richer for knowing her.

Since meeting, Jen has forced helped me take so many new leaps :) including:

  • Attend a week-long yoga retreat in the desert where we did yoga FOR HOURS each day (#idie)
  • Learning how to snatch
  • Try oysters and sardines for the first time
  • Go to a Trampoline Park
  • Learn how to snowshoe (hint: it's actually just WALKING in the snow)
  • Buying and using a Crock Pot (I cook!)
  • And so many more...

I admire her zest for life so, so much. It's something I'm trying to embrace too.

And in her training and nutrition, it's no different.  She's constantly trying new approaches, doing things systematically and testing new things. In her training, variety and creatively are front-and-center. 

And Jen's long-awaited training & nutrition program #LiftWeightsFaster launches today!

=====> (And as a part of Jen's launch, I am contributing THREE JILLFIT BONUSES to every person who purchases through THIS LINK).

I was honored to get a look at an advanced copy and all I can say is WOW. Mother is ro-BUST. Over 120 workouts (all 10, 20 or 30 minutes long) with a focus on high-intensity metabolic conditioning (that's "lift weights faster" after all). Over 200 photos/videos in the workout library and a complete LWF manual with every single thing you ever wanted to know about metabolic conditioning and how to get fat loss results with weights. 

Yes, it is possible to get an incredible cardio burn workout using weights, and Jen shows you how. In addition, I was lucky enough to contribute a workout too! :)

Jen's program is OPEN RIGHT NOW through Friday March 21st at midnight. It's a no-brainer. 

You guys know that I hardly ever promote anything because I am super-picky when it comes to quality, but Jen delivers and I am so excited for you to experience the #LiftWeightsFaster program!

As promised, all JillFit gals who purchase through THIS LINK will receive the following exclusive bonuses from me:

  • A brand spankin' new copy of my #GetBetter Mindset Guide. This is a brand new book I recently finished all about mindset and how it relates to everything from body esteem to habits to positive psychology and how to take responsibility for your happiness, relationships and making your dreams a reality. This 30+ page manual is a culmination of many of the mindset topics we discuss here at JillFit.
  • A free full-length downloadable workout video (and PDF) with me training Jen :) It's a #LiftWeightsFaster 20-min workout using Metabolic Effect's Rest-based Training concept (Jen outlines RBT in her book too). Work out with us and let me know how you do!
  • Every person who purchases #LiftWeightsFaster from this link will be entered into a raffle to win a nutrition coaching session with me. I don't work on-on-one with clients anymore, but I am opening up this opportunity for this promotion only. A $500 value free for the winner.

You will get everything delivered directly to your email on Saturday March 22nd.

All you gotta do to receive these bonuses is nab Jen's #LiftWeightsFaster program here by Friday March 21st.

That's it. If you have questions, email me!

Ox, Jill