as promised, your webinar replay: what makes you come alive?

Published: Wed, 04/09/14


Two quick things today:

1) As promised, click on the link below to watch/download the webinar replay from Monday night with Amber Rae, my co-host for the CreateNYC retreat in May. 

I think you are going to love this info! Sooooo many new take-aways and insights. Amber does a lot in the personal development realm but offers a novel and fresh take, different from that of JillFit.

For example, one gem she mentioned was, "The Envy Map," an exercise to help us find our purpose.

I think sometimes we can feel shame or struggle because we don't know what our purpose is, and we feel like we should know it. I know I've felt that way in the past.

The Envy Map exercise, as Amber explained it, says that if you're struggling to figure out what you want for yourself and in what direction to move in (your purpose or passion), look "out there" and see who is maybe doing what you want? Who is having success in a way that you covet? Where do you find yourself feeling envious? 

That might be an indicator that there's a challenge in that space for you. That maybe taking a step in that direction would be powerful for you 

Envy is a normal human emotion. How powerful is it to shift your perspective of it in order to spur YOURSELF to action?? I loved it!


2) I want to invite you to another free chat I'm holding with my good friend and fitness/lifestyle expert Liz DiAlto THIS MONDAY April 14th. 

Liz and I will also be going deep into the self-realization realm and asking, "How can we connect with our inner sense of freedom?" Liz's charge is all about finding THAT THING. That one incredible feeling you want to create and hold onto that liberates you, captures your inner "wild woman" and helps you realize your feminine power.  

Again, Liz's take it totally different than mine, and I know you will love and appreciate the fresh insight and tools offered. Go here to registerI'd love to see you on the call! Again, bring your questions and personal experiences.

That's it! :)

Have a great week!

Ox, Jill

P.S. Don't forget to check in on the JillFit Facebook page and let me know how you're doing with your balance, moderation and living the fat loss lifestyle effortlessly. It's a practice!