3 insane mindset insights from last night's webinar (+ come hang with me in NYC)

Published: Tue, 04/15/14

Hey ,

Last night, Liz DiAlto shared some amazing insights on our webinar: Working In - How to Create a Life You Love. Thanks so much for all those who were on Iive! If you missed it, grab the replay here.

Liz provided so many useful sound bites that I wanted to share a few here for you:

  • She recommended Danielle LaPorte's book 'Desire Map' to help you discover your "core desired feelings."
  • Liz described your core desired feelings as your compass. Do things that bring you those feelings, and if you're doing something that is not, maybe step back and take a look. Liz said that ultimately, using "core desired feelings" is really about bringing more joy into your life. I LOVED THAT!
  • "Isn't it selfish to put myself first and following my bliss? I have responsibilities." We went deep on this. This is a toughie, right? And ultimately, the issue is this: when you are not at least finding some time/energy/outlet to take care of you, how can you be emotionally available for other people? Liz said, "When we do what we need to in order to bring more joy into our lives, it's contagious. It brings OTHER people up!" (Loved that too!)
  • The upper limit for giving is how well you receive. OMG, looooved this! Liz mentioned Brene Brown's book 'Daring Greatly' where one key concept is that the degree to which we are able to receive help/gifts/compliments/attention/praise, etc is directly proportionate the our level of giving. Think about it. If you are able to receive emotional energy from others (whatever the form), how much more likely are you now to be AVAILABLE to give to others? Because remember, our emotional capacity is finite. And our emotional batteries need charging. And graciously accepting is a key way to do this (and this can be sooo hard for many of us! Next time, try this: "Thank you!" :))

Again, the webinar replay can be found here

Lastly, I want to personally invite you to connect with Liz, Amber Rae and myself on Saturday May 24th in NYC at our #createNYC retreat. This incredible event is being held for a limited number of motivated women who are in this space with us. Women who crave connections, personal growth and more, but might be struggling to actualize it all. No kidding! This stuff is tough! :) The 3 of us will be working up close and personal in an intimate setting to tackle YOUR exact scenarios and challenges. Oh yeah, and there's a wine tasting! *clink*

The Early Bird rate ends FRIDAY! So check out all the details here. And I can't want to hang out with you IRL! 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Ox, Jill