self-trust + deadline for early bird rate for #createNYC is today!

Published: Fri, 04/18/14


Are you ready to join 20 other like-minded women IRL, who are ready, like you, to take the next step in their personal development journey? 

I want to give you that opportunity.

Myself, along with my good friends and mindset sweethearts, Liz DiAlto and Amber Rae, are co-hosting an amazing retreat in NYC on May 24th, called #createNYC. I've been talking about it off and on for the last month, and today is the final day to lock in the discounted rate to attend.

I want to tell you a little more about the event, for those who have been asking, but before I do, I want you to know that #createNYC was born out of a simple idea that the 3 of us feel very strongly about, and that is this:

We are living in an environment that is taking us further and further away from our true selves. And so, how do we reconnect with that? How can we come to love and appreciate the things that make us "us," and how can we show up 100% authentically in all areas of our lives?

You've heard me talk about the concept of SELF-TRUST a lot lately, as it pertains to nutrition or mindset, etc. Besides, it's my current practice, and what I feel, in a lot of ways to be the final frontier. If I can trust myself in all scenarios, I never have to worry if I can handle what life throws at me. I just know, on a very deep level, that I can. How liberating is that???

For me, self-trust is simply this: trusting myself to speak my truth, follow my passion and joy and let the chips fall where they may in terms of how that's received. 

That's it. 

How liberating is that??

So HOW do you do that? How can you master self-trust? Here's my 4-part formula:

1) AWARENESS: Ask, how am I currently showing up in the world? Do I edit or censor myself because I am scared of the potential fallout or reactions by others? Do I show up how I think I need to in order to be loved and affirmed by others? Am I a people-pleaser?

2) ASSESSMENT: In what ways (if any) am I miserable or out of alignment as a result of showing up in those ways? Maybe when you are constantly putting a show of who you think you need to be to be loved, you put your own needs aside or don't do what you need to do for you, and end up resentful or bitter? Maybe as a result of the constant stress of self-editing, you can't feel emotionally available to others? Maybe you have lost the real you in all the censoring?

3) ASK & ADOPT: Who am I, at my core? What are my needs? What are my passions and desires? What brings me joy? In what ways am I holding back those things about me? What is actually important to me? What would I do if I had no considerations? Write them down, baby! THIS IS THE REAL YOU.

4) APPLY: This is ongoing. This is the practice piece. This is where the rubber meets the road. This is taking everything we understand intellectually (1-3 above) and actually DOING IT. It's the experiential. When a situation arrives when maybe in the past, you'd have adjusted or edited yourself to appear a certain way, you INSTEAD show up as you (#3) and let the chips fall. You sit through the discomfort. You allow the emotions of others to happen. You allow the fear of those reactions to simmer. You move toward the scary stuff. You DO. This is of course the hardest part, but also the most transformational.

At #createNYC, we will be walking you through all of this. Taking your unique situations and making them more manageable and helping you find joy in being 100% you, and reconnecting with the person you may have lost along the way. 

And for me, when I look at things this way, when I see the potential for myself, how can I not invest the effort to get there? How can I not invest everything in my power to make that a reality?

I am so excited for you to experience #create! :) 

And of course, there's nothing like in-person events! The online space is great, but when we get to work together face to face and develop that new relationship, it's truly transformational. 


Some highlights:

  • All-day event, held on top of the Flat Iron building in NYC (breathtaking views, seriously)
  • Healthy lunch prepared by a chef we hand-picked
  • Wild Soul Movement sesh with Liz (combo of stretching, meditation, light yoga, breathing, etc.)
  • A wine-tasting social (I swear I had nothing to do with that! ;)) at the end of the day // event goes until whenever and there will be no lack of face time and access to Liz, Amber and myself
  • Plenty of other goodies from us!

Again, all the details are here.

I hope you can make it, and let me know if you have any questions at all! Spots are suuuuuper-limited so make sure you secure the early bird rate today! 

Ox, Jill