is it really possible to create the body/relationships/life you want?

Published: Mon, 04/14/14


I was 24 years old the first time I heard the phrase, "you get to create your life."

At first, I didn't get it. On one hand, it wasn't like anyone else was creating my life, but on the other hand, I did feel as though life just was. Life was just what happened to me. It was doing what was the next thing: graduate high school, graduate college, look for 9-to-5 job with benefits and hope to find a nice husband and have a family.

By all measure, a great life and what was to be expected if I just went with the flow, tried my hardest and kept my head down. 

And the idea that I'd have to actually physically or mentally DO anything to CREATE a life other than that was weird. I just thought, "this is what life is," and didn't question it much. Things happen to me, people do stuff to me, they say stuff that affects me and I do my best to navigate the considerations and (sometimes perceived) ill-will of others. 

I didn't create. I just did whatever happened to me. I drifted.

At 24, a few things happened that made me see the power of creation. One of which was deciding to sign up for my first figure competition. Besides, building the body of that of a competitor is creating something out of the ordinary. And what do you know? I won my show. Amazing. I thought, "Wow, I can choose to do something outside of this straight forward life I was planning on, AND IT ACTUALLY WORKS! Creating really is something!"

Since then, it been Creation Highway. 

But that never would have happened had I not made the mental switch from: Life happens TO ME, to: I can create the life I want. It the most liberating thing on earth to realize I had a say in what happened. I could create the outcomes I desired, if I just had the audacity to introspect, set goals, take action and adopt a "possibility mindset" -- why NOT me?

Not that it's all sunshine and roses. Shit is hard at times! And scary! And uncertain! And there's pushback.

But it's also been, for me, a thousand times more richer an experience and one where I feel like I'm in the driver's seat.

My good friend and personal development whiz gal Liz DiAlto is the Mistress of Manifestation. I've never met anyone who consciously creates the scenarios and outcomes she desires more than Liz. She calls in "working in," rather than working on. And it all comes down to creating the life you want through understanding your own desires. 

Many of us actually don't know what we want, do we? We haven't had the time or mental space to think about it. Maybe people in our lives don't support our dreams and have a lot of doubts. Or maybe we don't know where to start.

All we know is that on a deep level, we want ... more. More connection. More happiness. Move love. More fulfillment. More peace. More freedom.

Well, Liz is the woman with the insight AND the tools, and I am THRILLED to have an opportunity to discuss all of that with her TONIGHT (Mon) at 8pm ET/5pm PT in our free discussion here.

Join Liz and I for our discussion on how to create the life you want through uncovering your own desired emotions. This stuff is amazingly transformative and Liz has been a teach of mine in many ways over the last few years, so I am excited for you to experience her too!

Register for tonight's free chat tonight, here.

Bring your questions, stories and an open heart :) Let me know if you have any questions!

Ox, Jill