new leg workout for you (glute-ham tie-in focus)

Published: Wed, 04/23/14


I've attached my latest leg workout to this email for you (takes ~30 mins). I am currently sitting here writing this, the day after doing it with what feels like two darts sticking into my glutes. Enjoy! Lol. :)

But seriously. I have a love/hate relationship with training legs. My training partner, Tara and I always kid that every week, one of us is *this close* to canceling on the other when we know we're doing legs. #vomilicious

But of course, because we are each just too stubborn, we always show up, and after the workout, we are always glad that we did. I'm sure you can relate.

On one hand, nothing makes you feel more powerful than getting through a killer leg workout, but holy soreness, Batman!

Anyway, one of the great things about training legs is each workout incorporates so many large muscle groups that you get a huge metabolic effect from the workout. Ever done a set of walking lunges holding heavy dumbbells? Tell me that's not cardio! Doing a tough leg workout basically makes you a badass.

But I get the question a lot: "How do I get the fat off the back of my thighs?"

And while there are many factors involved, including overall body fat, genetics, how much muscle you have, water retention, etc., there are certainly ways to target what's called "the glute-hamstring tie-in"-basically that spot where your butt meets the back of your thighs.

You know I work on my mindset a lot, and I have a hard time getting all that dissatisfied with my physique in general anymore, but working this area recently has felt really awesome. And Tara and I have been doing this workout for the last couple weeks, and so I thought I'd share it with you (it hits the quads too, of course).

Pay particular attention to one exercise that I am loving: seated leg press half-reps. See pic above; the movement is really only a couple inches. I recommend doing them with your feet up high on the platform and legs wide to target the glutes and inner thighs a little more. You'll love (hate) it!

Try the workout and let me know how you do!

Ox, Jill