relationships 101 (+ food obsession boot camp closes today)

Published: Sat, 05/31/14

Hey ,

I've been getting a bunch of questions about the 4-Week Food Obsession Bootcamp, and many women want to know: "Is the goal of the boot camp that after 4 weeks, we are done with our food issues for good?"

A great question, and I bet you can guess what my response is :)

Our relationship to food is the same as any other relationship in our lives. With our partner, our parents, our siblings, closest friends. You work on it, continually.

Relationships ebb and flow. They require work, and care, and tending to. You don't just meet someone and then are just "good to go," are you?

Ask yourself: do you and your partner have the same relationship you did when you first got together? Chances are that no, things have changed, and usually for the better. Why? Because we learn, we grow and we GET BETTER over time and with more information and experience.

Your relationship with food is no different. 

You gain perspective, you play with what works and what doesn't and you are always a work in progress. 

Like Jade says, "You know you'll have arrived when arrival is no longer the goal." In other words, the goal should always be to simply get better. For things to get easier and more effortless. For you to acquire a greater understanding of yourself, and in turn you gain a greater understanding of how you can and want to show up in the world. That includes how you show up in your relationship with food.

I was in a dark, obsessive place with food and exercise for a long time. Two to three hours a day of cardio, and thinking about food constantly. How much am I eating? Do I have my Tupperwares packed and ready? Am I getting fatter or leaner right now? How many carbs? Cals? Too many? When's my next meal? Am I losing muscle? Am I catabolic? Am I getting metabolic damage right now??? And on and on. Always worried about the why, when, how and what of food. Craziness.

And I will be talking about many of the ways food obsession manifests in our lives during the boot camp over the next 4 weeks, but I want you to know, up front, that this program is not another miracle pill. You don't just sign up for it, and poof, you're all set. You have to work the program. You have to put in the work. You have to actually WANT to change your mindset around food.

Because what you're doing now is not working. And that's fine. Remember, it took me 5 years to actually want to do things differently and yank myself out of the black hole of food obsession (which was closely related to self-obsession, BTW). 

And then it took me another THREE YEARS to get to a healthy place with eating and exercising, so that I hardly think about it anymore and I am able to stay relatively lean year round. 

Seems like a long time, right? An 8-year journey. Many of you have been working on your relationship with food for that long or longer. And though sometimes we want to beat ourselves up because WHY CAN WE NOT GET BETTER AT THIS?? WHY IS THIS STILL SO FREAKING HARD?? It is what it is, and beating ourselves up only makes it that much more shameful. 

Because I get you. I totally do. We have a lot of shame around food. I remember HIDING A THREE MUSKETEERS BAR IN MY BATHROOM CABINET during my first show prep! Like, if no one saw me eat it, it didn't really count?? :)

We can get crazy with this stuff! And you are not alone in feeling helpless at times, and like you are running around in circles. This process is up, down, back and forth. 

But it does start in the brain, how you THINK about food.

And that's why your MINDSET around food needs to take on a different look if you want things to change. And you don't do that without having the courage to try a new way (yikes!) and then strap in for the long haul. 

For me, I worked the process, and over time, it got easier. I also WANTED to not be obsessed with food anymore, and I actually put that goal ahead of getting as lean as possible. Because I've been down to 12% body fat before, and I was freaking miserable. Had no life. Was shitty to my friends and family. Was completely self-absorbed. Also, had no business, relationships, introspection to speak of.

It was 6-pack or bust. And it sucked.

So, as for a mindset shift? I can't do that for you. The desire to change has to come from within. BUT. What I can do is give you the framework, insight and then the tools I've used successfully over the last 3 years to obliterate my food obsession. 

Today is the last day to sign up for the 4-Week Food Obsession Boot Camp, which begins tomorrow. It's a virtual class delivered directly to your email. All the curriculum details are here, so you can see exactly what we'll be covering.

Let me know if you have any questions! 

I'm excited to work with the 100+ women that have already registered! It's going to be a fun 4 weeks of exploring, introspecting and establishing a new interaction with food. Besides, Relationship 101: We teach people how to treat us! It's about time you established the boundaries in your own relationship with food :)

Much love,
