how to deal with muscle soreness

Published: Fri, 08/01/14


That moment when DOMS sets in and you become The Tin Man for 48 hours :-\

I am there.

If you've never heard the term DOMS, it stands for delayed onset muscle soreness and usually hits most people 24-48 hours AFTER a tough workout. I am sure all of you can relate to not being able to sit on the toilet after a tough leg workout or not being able to straighten your arms after upper.


(And please don't tell me you are too young to know what the reference to The Tin Man is all about?! Every person needs to see 'The Wizard of Oz' at least once in their life!)

ANYWAY. I secretly love feeling sore. Even though it honestly never gets easier or more fun, I love that it reminds me that I am constantly getting better and my body is continuing to adapt even after 17 years of lifting consistently and heavily.

But you don't necessarily have to be sore in order to make gains. Some people are more prone to soreness than others. And if you are not getting sore, it certainly doesn't mean you aren't working hard enough.

The key is to find that sweet spot where you are challenging yourself, but not incapacitating yourself :) For most women, I usually recommend adding 5 lbs to what they think they can lift, because chances are they can lift a leeeeetle more and still maintain good form.

Try it and see how you do.

Okay, so a couple things today:

1) How to Deal with Soreness. I wanted to share with you one of my older videos today, if you haven't watched it before, on soreness. In it, I outline my top tips for dealing with soreness with nutrition and activity, including:

  • When to train with weights again
  • How doing light cardio can help
  • A couple optional supplements to consider
  • Eat veggies and drink water like a champ
  • Sleep yo ass off :)

Watch the complete 5-min video here

2) Today is August 1st! So check your August Workout Calendar I sent you on Wednesday and work to schedule the days and times that will work best for you in your own weekly schedule. I will be there, training right along with you, and I'd love you to check in with me on the JillFit Facebook page.

3) I am offering a free copy of my 4 Weeks to Toned Upper Body Training program TODAY ONLY as a bonus when you purchase Neghar's Lean and Lovely 12-Week training program here (if you haven't checked Neghar's workout for JillFit it's the latest post on the blog). Neg's program is half off until midnight tonight! And I will be sending out my own 4 week program this weekend to all those who grab it today (check link for all the details on what the program contains).

I did Neghar's program back in the winter when it was first released, and I have to tell you, not only did her workouts pull me out of my training rut and give me some much-needed motivation, but girl's got a "Kettle Booty" to envy. Reason alone to try the program ;) 

That's it! Let's hit the ground running this weekend! Let me know how you're doing! 

And as always, wishing you love, success and happiness! 

