how I deal with cravings: the 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 versions

Published: Sun, 08/10/14

Hey there ,

One thing that we get asked about at JillFit is about how to manage cravings and quit eating sweets and treats all the dang time. We get asked this so much, that JillFit Ambassador Erika Nall actually put together an entire online course to address it.

BUT. Today, I want to share with you my process, and the tools I've worked through over the last 4 years to go from someone who had zero ability to control their cravings to someone who can surf the urge for hours if need be. 

Of course, the ultimate goals of dealing with your cravings is to: 

  1. Work your fat loss formula to the point that you simply don't have them as much
  2. Become mindful enough to be able to feel cravings and not necessarily binge as a result.

But first, where do you begin?

The 1.0 version: Find workarounds. 

We have cravings come up all the time. And perhaps the way that you "handle" them right now might include (as it did me) simply giving in to them 99% of the time, because what other choice do you have? In other words, you have zero tools to deal with them simply because you don't know where to start and haven't put in any time working on it. Before you know, the sweets are in your mouth. I get it. Did it for years.

And it's a perfect place to begin, so let's get started---> Your 1.0 version is pinpointing workarounds.

For me, the best workarounds will be other foods that help take the edge off my craving and satisfy 80% of it--which is enough to give me the space and time to surf it. In other words, make moderate choices.

Here's a scale I use, called the Deprivation-Indulgence Scale (DIS). The best way to ensure that you feel satisfied most of the time (and therefore experience less intense cravings overall) is to make choices that put you in the middle of this scale, where the arrows are:


Deprivation doesn't work. And complete indulgence is also not what we want. So ask yourself, "What food choices will help me feel satisfied but not go overboard?"

Those are the ones that will hit those middle numbers. Many people don't think about what these foods might be or have a plan for using them. This first step asks you to begin naming them. For me? It's protein bars (Intermittent Sampling), protein shakes, sugar-free chocolate, bacon, cheese and sugar-free fro-yo. I'm sure to have these around so when a craving strikes, I have tools. What are yours?

The 2.0 version: Balance your HEC.

HEC stands for hunger, energy and cravings. This is a game-changing tool from Metabolic Effect that helps us assess our biofeedback. It's simple: you eat something, and then watch later in the day how your HEC responds. Are you more hungry or less? Have more cravings or less? Is energy balanced or not?

This is where doing the dirty work takes place.

You have to figure out what foods work best for you, and which ones don't. In other words, which foods balance HEC (so that you will naturally feel more satisfied and satiated) and which ones do not.

I'll give you an example: nuts. Some people do great on nuts. They have a handful and it tides them over for a few hours and they feel great. For other people, a handful of nuts turns into a thousand handfuls! Your job is to figure out which person you are ... with every food! :)

Why is balancing your HEC the key to handling your cravings? Because when your hunger is low, your cravings are low and your energy is stable, you naturally will feel more balanced with fewer swings. This is paramount.

And as you can imagine, this takes a while, which is why this is level 2.0. You need patience. The 1.0 gets us out of the woods and the 2.0 is our main strategy. Realize that this is where the meat of finding your fat loss formula happens. And it's not an easy fix, but it's a long-term one.

The 3.0 version: Mindfulness all day errrday. 

Fiiiiinally, we enter the holy grail of cravings solutions with mindfulness. This is also a practice, and one that you can begin today, even while figuring out the 1.0 and 2.0 because it's a forever-practice.

Mindfulness is simply being aware of your physical sensations (hunger and cravings) in every moment and then being able to surf them and not have to do anything about them right away.

I've been practicing mindfulness for about 4 years now and this is an example of how it works in practice (this happened to me a couple months ago):

Jade and I went out to dinner and he wanted to order dessert so that he could take 3 bites (his moderation practice) but I was like, "Meh, I'm good. But, there's a frozen yogurt place next door that has a stevia-sweetened chocolate flavor, can you bring me there after?" 'cause I was still jonesing for a little sweet. He said yes, and took me. When we got there, there were about 20 flavors, but no sugar-free chocolate and no SF at all :( So, I thought to myself, "Gee, there's a bunch of other yummy flavors here but, meh, I really don't want full-sugar and I have one of my fav protein bars at home, that will satisfy my craving for sweet." And I left without any yogurt and waited another 20 minutes until I got home and could have half a chocolate protein bar (version 1.0 solution).

THIS is mindfulness. Understanding that I am experiencing a craving in the moment, feeling it, and then strategizing a healthier alternative solution, even if it means putting off that solution for an hour or longer (!!!).

This is a practice, and the hardest one (which is why it's the 3.0 version) BUT, it's also the most rewarding and long-lasting once you "get it." And the more you practice mindfulness (i.e. awareness or simply just thinking about how you're feeling), the more in control you are of everything that passes your lips.

It's the ultimate freedom from cravings, and the final frontier.

So, what do you think? Ready to take your cravings game to the next level?

Erika's amazing course, The Craving Solution is on sale TODAY ONLY for all JillFit gals who are looking to implement next steps when it comes to mastering this stuff.

There are many moving parts, and what I value so much about Erika, who is also a long-time Metabolic Effect Fat Loss Coach, is that she has worked with literally HUNDREDS of women to hone these tactics and tools. It's an individual process and no one person will navigate it the same. Find what works for you with Erika's Craving Solution.

Email Erika with any questions!

Wishing you an amazing week! Let me know what you're up to and how you're doing with your August Workout Schedule :)

Oxox, Jill