#teamquadzilla unite! pics :)

Published: Tue, 08/26/14


First ...

I'm super excited to announce at the JillFit Total Training Experience course--a 52-week healthy lifestyle and exercise solution--is now open for registration through this Friday only. All the details are below.

Second ...

I want to talk to you about something. Something that makes me feel a little vulnerable and a little insecure, and if I'm honest, a little ridiculous because I am a 30-something year old woman who is still struggling, but here's the thing ...

I spent the majority of my life in a hateful relationship with my thighs.

I think all women have that one THAT ONE body part that they obsess over. For some it's their stomach, for others it's the cellulite on the back of their legs, and for others it's the fat on the back of the arms. I'll never forget my best friend in high school lovingly referring to her arms as "sausages." :)

Anyway. This is normal stuff. I think we all have our own points of obsession, and I don't blame you. I felt the same way about my thunder thighs, ham-hocks, bootylicious booty, whatever, for many years. 

In fact, I remember feeling so insecure during my awkward adolescent years at pool parties because every other 10 year old girl had skinny-ass legs and here I am over here with leg musculature that rivals an adult man. WTF? Lol. Here's proof:


And even at MY LEANEST, they were still my most prominent body part:


So here's where I'm at ...

Over the last 10 year or so, I've slowly made a few mindset switches that have helped me frankly, get over myself and start embracing what my momma gave me:

1) First, I realized that no matter how many minutes of cardio I did or how strict I was on my diet or how much I kicked and screamed and cried about it, my legs are what they are.

Genetically, I have large bones and joints (seriously, Jade and I have almost the same circumference wrists) and so I can get pissed off and cry that, "Life isn't fair! How could I have been born with these 'Coleman Thighs?!'" OR, I can simply figure out a way to do the best with what I've got. I can work hard in the gym and get them as lean and as fast and as strong as possible. And that's exactly what I did...

2) I stopped cursing them and started being grateful for them.

Instead of hating how they LOOKED, I started loving what they could DO. I started honoring them. How lucky am I to be able to doing heavy barbell squats or plyometrics? How awesome is it to be able to sprint down the track or up a hill? How amazing that I can jump and push and pull and kick and lift heavy stuff?? THIS is what health, vitality and functionality is all about! When I look at it through these lenses, I can't be appreciative enough!

3) I started owning it. Yes, I am #teamquadzilla.

Just like my lil' homie Neghar Fonooni of Eat, Lift and Be Happy, and I'm proud of these gams! Of all the teams to be on, it's a pretty good one!

Are you #teamquadzilla? Can you learn to love your thighs too? Can you be grateful for the things they can do and how they make you unique and strong and powerful? Show me by tagging your pics #teamquadzilla on Instagram and I'll check 'em :)

Moving on:

I want you to go to that one body part you obsess over, and ask yourself, "Instead of focusing on loathing this, can I work on making the most of what I've got?" Can you see how the body parts that you think are somehow "less than" are the very things that make you you?

My legs are not super-duper lean. I have cellulite and some saddle baggage and my thighs certainly touch every single minute of every single day, but they are mine. They're what I've got, and I can either accept them and kick ass in the gym to make them strong and powerful, or I can be miserable. It simply comes down to a choice. How do you choose to perceive yourself? 

Acceptance is the first step in improvement. 

There's so much power in saying, "I am good with it." When you do that, you are now in a place of power to make the most of it all. You can now focus on moving forward and figuring out how you are going to kill it with your workouts. I love that!

And speaking of workouts, I've been hinting about the JillFit Total Training Experience (TTE) for the last couple months and it is something I have poured a ton of thought and effort into because I wanted to create a long-term (one year!) fitness solution for women who are READY to take the step into long-term commitment to their body, their process and focusing on consistency (bye-bye 21-day "detoxes" and 90-day challenges!).

The TTE is open for registration now through Friday August 29th ONLY and includes a whole bunch of really awesome AWESOME stuff for you to finally make the transition from someone who LOOKS for programs to someone who actually sticks with one and DOES them. Full-length video workouts (and PDFs) for both at-home and the gym, weekly coaching via email and short video tutorials, your Monthly Workout Calendar and more.

=====> Get all the details for the Total Training Experience right here

Have a great week and let me know if you have any questions :) 

Ox, Jill