for you: the quickest and simplest kettlebell circuit ever

Published: Thu, 09/11/14

Hey ,

One of my biggest pet peeves in the fitness industry is getting a new exercise program from a coach or expert and it's filled with pages and pages of these long, complex workouts that take a thousand years to complete and contain a bazillion exercises you've never heard of before. 

See, as a trainer I used to do this to people. A client would ask me to create a workout program from them to do at home, so I would spend a few hours coming up with the the most cutting-edge protocols, chock them full of the coolest exercises and make sure that they felt like they got their money's worth. I would create these long workouts with 10+ exercises, and all the latest and greatest techniques and tools I learned as a trainer. 

I think on some level I was worried that they wouldn't feel like they were getting enough, and maybe I just thought they would get bored if it was simpler or shorter. Which is actually hilarious looking back because holy moly, not only did they get enough, but THEY GOT TOO MUCH. They couldn't actually do the programs because the degree of complexity, difficulty and the learning curve were just too steep. 

People value simplicity more than they value volume.

Why? Because simplicity is doable. It's accessible. It's easier to implement consistently. It doesn't overwhelm.

At JillFit, 95% of the workouts we provide for free on the blog are 6 exercises or less. The reason being because ain't nobody got time for long workouts where they have to GOOGLE EVERY EXERCISE. Who could feasibly comply with that long-term? Not many people. The overwhelm factor is huge.

We know that compliance and consistency are what matter for long-term results. 

I don't care if you are doing 1 exercise a day. Just do that forever, and you are ahead of those who come fast out of the gates and then crash and burn only to end up back on the couch in a few weeks.


Today, I wanted to introduce you to a quickie kettlebell circuit created my one of my JillFit Ambassadors Jill Jacobs, creator of Simply Kettlebells and who is my personal go-to expert for all things KBs and fat loss:

Jill is a Metabolic Effect-certified trainer (so she uses the Rest-Based Training method), ME nutrition consultant and also a HKC-certified KB instructor who specializes in fat loss. 

One of my favorite things about Jill is that she's a working mom who understands the value of time! And thus, has worked hard to get all her workouts to 20 minutes or less. She understands that intensity trumps duration when it comes to results and so she values shorter, simpler workouts that get results, over crazy complex take-all-day workouts.

If you are new to KBs, Jill recommends using an 18-lb kettlebell to get started, and you can of course go up from there. Here's Jill's circuit:

Start by incorporating this circuit 1-2x/week for best results. Fat loss, body change and help with functionality and performance (if you missed it, Jill wrote a guest post this week on the JillFit blog about how KB training shaved minutes off her 5k time). 

This is a great circuit to begin with, especially if you have never used kettlebells. Try it and report back! I'd love to know how you do.

And remember, Jill's Simply Kettlebells 8-week at-home program -- which includes many more workouts just like this one -- is available through this Sunday September 14th ONLY. All workouts include quickie exercise demo vids too, which is an awesome value. Grab it here!

Hope you have a great rest of the week and I'll check in with you soon :)

Ox, Jill