"When you're authentic, you're irresistible."

Published: Sun, 11/09/14


Last Thursday, I went to an event here in LA called Open Books, hosted by Danielle LaPorte, Justin Musk and Linda Sivertsen. All authors, all women, all awesome. 

The theme of the event was 1) how to secure your first book deal with a traditional publisher (and the ins and outs of the publishing world) and also 2) how to build your online platform so that people will actually care about your work, and want to read it.

I attended with two of my fav gals in the fitness/mindset space, Lori Harder and Liz DiAlto, both powerhouse female entrepreneurs making a huge difference with their readers and clients. It was an amazing day:
The entire 8 hour day was chock full of insane information, good positive vibes and possibilities -- all stuff I love! And listening to the speakers throughout the day, two things became clear to me:
  1. I already know a lot this stuff.
  2. I need to implement what I know.
And guess what? You're the same. Whether you are working on your physique, your mindset, your relationships or your business: YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. You do. You're smart like that.

And we all need a reminder every once in a while to actually stop looking around and start grinding. Something amazing happens when we get our head down, take action like a mofo and get super productive: we start kicking ass and seeing how powerful we are. And it becomes a feed-forward cycle.

And when we see results, and we see that what we do makes a difference, it becomes easier to KEEP DOING IT. The cycle becomes: do, get affirmation/feedback, keep doing, learn and grow, do even more, succeed over time. It's a beautiful system, and something that was a great reminder for me at the conference. In fact, at one point during the day, Lori turned to me and said, "The fact that we already know a lot of this stuff is just a sign to stop looking and start actually implementing." <---- YES!

What I (Re)Learned

I want to share with you some of my fav take-aways (there were a bazillion!) from the day so that you can learn remember too, and we can both implement:

1) "When you're authentic, you're irresistible."

Danielle said this early in the day, and it was an amazing reminder for me to continue on the self-trust journey. Last week's blog about self-trust got a ton of traction because I think we are all secretly dying for permission to show up authentically in our lives, to be human, and have it be okay. It takes courage and self-knowledge and the willingness to be vulnerable, but man, when you allow yourself to show up as-is, with all your likes, dislikes, preferences, wants, desires, needs, lines in the sand and boundaries, the life you want unfolds automatically. Getting there is not always pretty, but the outcome is worth it. Check the blog if you didn't get a chance to read it yet.

2) "Consensus creates mediocrity."

Another from Danielle, in reference to compromise, boundaries and the desire to placate and avoid discomfort. It was a reminder to me that when I try to please everyone, I end up pleasing no one, and most importantly I don't please myself because I've compromised my integrity and ended up with something I actually don't even want. Whether it's making plans with someone or putting money toward something or going into a partnership or eating something out of peer pressure. No. When you do these things because you feel obligated or out of guilt, you always regret it.

And one more insight: people respect people with boundaries. Just because you have boundaries around your time or space or finances or food doesn't make you a selfish bitch. It makes you self-aware. And those who "get" that about you, will appreciate that about you. And those that don't? Well, we can never control how we are seen or experienced by others and then ultimately the question becomes, how can you live your life for someone else?

3) "If you love what you're doing, that love outweighs all potential hate you'll encounter."

Justine's quote in reference to potential negativity, haters, trolls, whatever, in the online space -- who you might encounter when following your passion. Justine is a full-time novelist and has recently started blogging, and has some polarizing (yet powerful) ideas. In other words, girl draws a line in the sand, which is equally awesome and terrifying for someone who is considering "putting herself out there" in the online space. But Justine has worked her self-efficacy and honed her message to the point that she has zero attachment to how her writing is perceived, simply because she's so dang passionate that the alternative (not putting it out) is unthinkable. Like whoa.

This, for me, acted as a good reminder to trust my gut and follow my passion, even when it's scary and uncertain. Whether that's in my relationships or career decisions or what to write on. I've come a long way in this realm, but I'll admit, I still get the occasional, "How is this blog going to be received? I wonder if people will take it personally and get upset? Should I tone it down?" and I get nervous to press Publish. But ultimately I remember that I can never control how my work is perceived by others and I know that if I try to water things down and make neutral points that no one could possibly perceive negatively, well, I am boring. I'm boring to others AND TO MYSELF. Not to mention, I am now not fully expressed and well, that just hurts my insides :-\

That's it for now. Maybe I will share some more insights on the JillFit Facebook page over the next week. So much good stuff.

And I hope this will serve as a reminder TO YOU to show up as authentically as possible in your life. Not everyone is going to get it or like it, and some might have a really hard time with it, but the alternative is comprising your purpose and your passion. Aaaaah! #idontlikeit

And finally, YOU. Yes, you. You know what to do. You've got it. You are powerful and amazing and knowledgable and effective. And what you do matters. And guess what? Everything you need to make a difference in your life is already inside of you. Now it's time to stop looking around and start trusting what you already know. I've got your back! ;)

Have a great day and much love.
