this is my mantra for 2015 - what's yours?

Published: Wed, 12/17/14

Hey there ,

First, I want to say thank you to the literally hundreds who responded to my last email about disordered eating, rules vs. guidelines and handling criticism. I was absolutely blown away by all the amazing feedback and insightful comments. Really means so much to me. THANK YOU!

Next, if you’re a regular reader of JillFit, you know that I talk a lot about the “scarcity mindset” versus the “abundance mindset.” These are two opposing ways of approaching food and dieting.

In the former, we're constantly worried about urgency and exclusivity – we stress:

Will there be enough food? Better bring some extra! What if this is my last opportunity to try Grandma’s special key lime pie? Have to have it! This restaurant is known for its homemade flourless chocolate cake. Can’t miss out! What if I get hungry later? Where will the food be? Need to pack extra! Aaaah, gotta get popcorn, it’s the movies for crying out loud! I never have this!

In other words, when we operate in the scarcity mindset around food, we're constantly trying to control outcomes. And yes, while there's certainly a degree of preparedness that is useful, when you find yourself constantly stressing about food situations and not being able to trust yourself to be able to make the healthiest choice possible wherever you end up, it could be a good opportunity to pull back and find a way to feel … abundant.

An abundance mindset is simply a mental operating system that is, in my experience, very low stress. It’s the opposite of control.

The abundance mindset is trust.

Trusting yourself. Trusting that you can handle any situation that pops up. Trusting that even if there’s not enough, that you can navigate those situations without binging as a result. When you operate with the idea that you can get/have any food at any time of year/day, the urgency to EAT IT ALL RIGHT NOW or EAT THIS SUPER SPECIAL THING THAT I WILL NEVER HAVE ACCESS TO AGAIN, EVER disappates.

In other words, operating in abundance is freeing. And if you think about it, it’s really the ultimate in control, isn’t it?

I saw a post a while back from a fitness competitor and it said something like, “Be sure to get a meal plan together for your off-season too, because as soon as you don’t have a plan, you’ll give in to all those temptations and won't know what to eat!" 

See, THIS is my problem with meal plans. And really the whole dieting industry in general. It keeps us dependent. Needing to be “on a plan” every day of the year stifles our ability to grow and learn, and actually just keeps us dumb. It assumes that we can’t trust ourselves because without a plan, we’ll turn into an overindulging robot.

That is a lie.

And it's also that mentality that keeps us searching out new programs and new "experts" and reading the latest diet books and trying the latest detoxes and cleanses. Nooooooo. No. 

But the rub is that yes, that can certainly happen without practicing a new, more self-trusting way. When we stay dependent on meal plans 24/7, we actually train ourselves to, um, NOT think for ourselves, so of course, the second we are off a plan, we don't know what to do. I did that for years! 

So here's the thing.

If you don’t give yourself the time and space to navigate the food waters sans plan, then yes, your scarcity mindset will kick in and you might end up eating everything. But the key is practicing. Trying a new way where you are in charge of you (not a diet or a book or a coach) and moving to an abundance mindset. When you do this, over time you slowly start to understand your metabolism, listen to your body, trust your mind and know what is best for you, regardless of what some arbitrary plan requires you do. No thanks!

And so, my mantra for 2015 is simply another way of saying abundance…

There’s always more where that came from.

I love this phrase and I have been mentally repeating it for the last several months and will continue with it in 2015.

What I’ve found is that this concept doesn’t just apply to nutrition, but to everything: business, success, happiness, clients, ideas, fulfilling relationships, love, opportunities, whatever. I’ve found that when I remind myself that there’s always more where that came from, I never feel like things are finite.

I don’t need to stress when I see a fellow fitness entrepreneur killing it because TAMWTCF! Not that that’s ever really been my style, but it reminds me that there’s enough to go around. Plenty of clients, money, happiness, autonomy, whatever. And you don't need to feel bad when a friend starts losing weight or getting fit, because you know what, if that's your goal, you can too! There's unlimited success available for everyone.

I don’t stress when people rip off my content and pawn it off as their own because you know what, I can come up with new shit all day long. There are plenty of ideas and solutions that need to be created. Good luck, TAMWTCF! No anxiety over “should I or shouldn’t I” say yes to this opportunity that's not really my fav because honestly, opportunities are everywhere. TAMWTCF!

And you know what? Regardless of if opportunities actually are everywhere or not … and this is the magic of this mindset … are you ready? … wait for it … because that’s my operating system, opportunities do show up everywhere! Call it magic, call it energetics, call it quantum physics or whatever, but your belief system creates your reality.

How I choose to perceive the world is actually what shows up in my world.

When I remember that there’s more where that came from, I never feel scared or limited or anxious. It’s the ultimate in trust. And when I trust myself, you know what? I show up for me! It’s amazing :)

So, now it’s your turn.

What will 2015 hold for you? What will be that one word or phrase that reminds you of your passion are purpose? What is that word, that when you remember it, will bring you back to your center and balance you? What word or phrase will anchor you to the place you want to be, or that direction you want to move in?

I’ve done this for the last several years. In 2013, my word was ‘elevate’ and last year, it was ‘thrill.' Neither years disappointed, and I elevated and thrilled myself, no question.

When you find your anchor word for 2015, reply to this email and tell me! I’d love to know what’s important to you and where you are moving next year! Let’s help each other grow and balance.

I’m loving you, have a great week!
