Transformation Tuesday (Irish edition)

Published: Tue, 03/17/15

Top o' the morning to you, !

I wasn’t going to send an email today, but then I remembered it’s St. Patrick’s Day, which is kind of a big deal in my very Irish family (ahem, it’s actually St. Paddy’s Day). No real big insights today, just some Lols for you ;)

Anyway, my dad is 100% Irish and has brought my brothers and I up with a reverence for all things Ireland, and even sent my best friend and I to Ireland for my 21st birthday.

It was in Dublin that I got my first and only tattoo of a Celtic shamrock, and where I spent many nights drinking many beers. Also hit the Guinness factory, as one does when visiting Ireland, and have plenty of memories to show for it.

See, my best friend Sally and I headed to Ireland for 8 days after spending the summer living on Martha’s Vineyard, working for minimum wage and partying pretty much every night. I remember when I moved to the Vineyard, I actually brought my rowing ergometer with me because as I was a rower in college, I thought I’d use it to “stay in shape” over the summer.


That thing never got touched. The only things that did get touched were 30-packs of Bud Light.

The summer was one I’ll never forget, mostly because we had the time of our lives, met so many interesting people and left it all on the table – besides, it was kind of our last-hurrah summer before we went back to our senior year of college and entered “the real world.”

But I also remember it was the a time in my life when two other things happened:
  1. I didn’t exercise at all for an extended period of time. And honestly threw everything out the window in terms of health and fitness and just said, eff it. And indeed had the pounds and bloat to show for it – I actually couldn’t fit into pants by the end of the summer, so was forced to just wear sundresses.
  2. It was the first time I dieted.
You might be asking how those two things can both be true. Well, with regard to dieting, it was toward the end of the summer that Sally and I started realizing we couldn’t fit into any clothes we’d brought to the Island, so we decided to “do Atkins.”

This was right in the middle of the low-carb craze, and though we didn’t read the actual book, we thought, “How hard can this be? All we have to do is eat cheese and meat and we’ll lose weight!”


Well, eat we did. We’d each eat a few hotdogs every day, many hunks of cheese, some other proteins mixed in, but one thing didn’t change: we were still drinking a million beers every night.

That was not-so-much Atkins.

We rounded out the summer heading to Ireland for a week, and continued the indulging:
Granted these photos are years old, I’m still a very normal size and this can’t really be called “a transformation,” – at least a physical one – I always love seeing these photos. It brings back so many fun memories and so many ridiculous ones.

I am grateful for that summer because without having the experience of just honestly throwing everything out the window, I don’t know that I would be where I am now. Yes, I’ve always loved exercise and have been active, but that time in my life was the first time I started experimenting with food, and actually thinking about it.

Atkins was a bust (at least our alcoholic-version of it), but once I got back to college, I was more aware of everything in put in my mouth. It was the beginnings of JillFit. Since then it’s been periods of excessive awareness, other times of brain-shut-down mode awareness (aka zero), complete mindfulness and everything in between.

The journey is not always pretty and perfect and pain-free. But that’s the magic of it.

I spent many years feeling shame around my eating habits or obsession around my exercise habits. And for all those years, I have nothing but gratitude, EVEN THOUGH going through all of that never felt good or easy.

Your journey, if nothing else, is yours.

No one can take your experiences away from you. No one can discount those stories and lessons. They’re yours. Good, bad, ugly, whatever, you own them. And there’s something so beautiful about embracing all of that.

Your experience is always valid. Your process is never wrong. It just is.

No lessons or insights today from me, just a little reminder to love and appreciate your journey. In a sense, you’re a warrior when it comes to your food and exercise. You have battle wounds and victories and everything in between. And that’s amazing. Own it all!

As always, I love your stories, and I’d love to hear them. Do you have a time in your life that was really important for your growth and change? What were you doing? How did you change? What insights and lessons did you learn? Give ‘em to me!

And just remember, you are always creating your story in every single moment. Your past failures or successes mean nothing in light of what you choose to do today and moving forward. You always have a chance, in every second, to write your next story.

Happy Paddy’s Day!


P.S. For those of you who didn’t snag your spot in the 4-Week Food Obsession Boot Camp last week, just a quick reminder that enrollment is open for the next 4 days if you’d like to jump in. The course begins immediately. Details here.