are you training with me this month? (#20x20 update!)

Published: Fri, 07/31/15

Hi ,

As it is the end of July, and the FREE #20x20Challenge is ramping up tomorrow (!!!) I want to make sure those of you who are registered for the program have what you need to get started!

I am challenging you to complete twenty 20-minute workouts during the month of August, with me, so that we can keep one another accountable! I am providing the workouts, and then you will check in with me on Instagram with each one of your workouts, so that I know you're getting them in! You'll also be eligible for prizes, programs and recognition with JillFit if you a) complete your 20 workouts, and b) share some awesome insights via IG!

First thing's first, this email list IS NOT the challenge list! So if you getting this email, you miiiiiight not be registered for the program! Which I need you to do here. If you *are* registered already, then when you add your name and email at that link, it will let you know. And if you have already accessed the workouts, then yes, you are in and don't need to re-register. It is important you get on this other list (at the above link!) so that you get the weekly coaching emails from me ;)

Second, if you are still having trouble registering, then you can quickly access all the workouts for the #20by20Challenge HERE

Please watch the short video and read the page in its entirely so you know what's happening, how to share so that you get credit and all the nuts and bolts of the free program!

If you have any questions, you can respond to this email and Sara or myself will get back to you ASAP.

The challenge starts on Saturday!
