a really awesome insight from yesterday’s Periscope

Published: Tue, 08/25/15

, real quick …

I’ve been talking about it all month, and I am excited to FINALLY announce that the 52-week Total Training Experience is now open for enrollment for next year! It’s a complete 12-month workout, nutrition and mindset solution from JillFit, and it starts September 1st.

Now …

I want to share with you something that happened yesterday on my scope of the day (on Periscope). I was doing what’s called a “reverse Q&A” where I ask YOU the questions and you share your answers live. It was super fun and also super instructional for me to get into your brain and hear about your hopes, desires, struggles, challenges and preferences. I loved it, and I’ll be doing it again soon.

One thing I asked was: “What blogs or people do you follow online? Give me your best resources.”

I got a slew of answers, from crowd favorites Jen Sinkler, Neghar Fonooni and Jade Teta, to other people I had never heard of, like style bloggers, YouTube celebrities and authors. It was awesome.

THEN … I asked, “Tell me WHY you connect with those people? What about them draws you?”

And the most given answer was: “They are real. They’re grounded, balanced and relatable.”

Not that it was shocking, but I was expecting to get a few things like, “They’re beautiful,” or “They’re smart,” or “They have the best information,” or “They’re an expert at what they do.” And NOPE. None of that stuff. A few people mentioned they liked so-and-so’s philosophy but the majority of the answers came down to one thing: relatability.


Don’t we? We want to be understood. We want to know that we are okay and good and normal and human. And so following people who are similar to us and are “real”—though maybe slightly further along—is useful in doing something very amazing: helping us feel like we can do it too.

I want the people I follow to be accessible and vulnerable and authentic. And I will always do my best to show up that way, because honestly, no one has it all together and perpetuating the idea that we do, or that perfection even exists is doing everyone a disservice. And frankly that’s BS. No thanks!

Transformation isn’t inspired by the leanest bodies. Sustainable change isn’t inspired by magazine covers. It’s not inspired by eating chicken and broccoli every meal.

Transformation is inspired when someone says, “I get you, and I have felt that way. Let me tell you my story and how I moved past that struggle. If I can do it, you can too.”

We feel most inspired when we see someone who is just like us overcome something that we are struggling with.

Luckily, this has also been shown in research. And it’s actually a tool we can use to change our own story of struggle to one of motivation and stick-to-it-ness.

The tool is called “story editing.”

It’s a concept featured in the book ‘Redirect’ by psychology professor Timothy D. Wilson. Wilson says that we can change our outcomes based on the story we tell about our capabilities.

How are we talking to ourselves about what we can and can’t achieve?

One experiment included asking college freshmen who were having trouble in class and getting poor grades, to watch interviews by upper classmen talking about how things got easier and how they ended up doing much better in their classes as the years went on. This intervention (the control group got no coaching about the future) led to significant changes in how those college freshmen started performing in school (tangible outcomes).

It took someone saying, “Hey, I was there too, and I feel you. But trust me when I tell you, you’ll get through it just like I did.”

This is such an important concept for consistency and sustainability when it comes to building anything: a new body or fitness regimen, a business, a relationship, whatever.

I’m much more likely to keep going even in the face of struggle if I see that it’s possible, and I have someone with a leeeeeetle bit more experience than me reminding me of that fact. I need to feel like I can do it, too.

The #20x20Challenge is finishing in a week, and already I see so many women changing their mindset from, “Let’s see if I can do this for 20 days!” to “Huh, this isn’t so bad, in fact, it’s kind of fun, I bet I could keep going!”

And keep going many of them are, as over 100 women have already signed up the Total Training Experience early. Super pumped for them!

But the key takeaway is this: what story are you telling yourself about your future capabilities?

Do you see yourself with possibilities and the chance to create whatever you want (body, business, relationship) or do you see yourself as limited and inherently powerless?

Like my Australian CrossFit coach used to say, “It’s aall in ya miiind, Jeel!” (say it out loud with a strong Ozzy accent!). And indeed it is.

Your mindset determines your outcomes.

What story do you have on repeat? And if it’s not one that’s getting you super pumped and excited about your possibilities, then CHANGE THAT SHIT. Life is too short for it. NEXT! #bye

Remember, the TTE is only open now until THIS FRIDAY August 28th for enrollment! It’s a year-long journey with me, I hope you will join. All the details are here, and of course, reply if you have any questions!

Talk soon, and have a great week!
